Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

          The boys and girls in 1st year want to wish everybody

                                      MERRY CHRISTMAS
                                      A HAPPY NEW YEAR



                              SEE YOU IN 2013 !


In the news

Laude Palacio de Granda is in the news !

AMCO publishes a monthly newsletter and they asked us to get involved.

Below you can read all about our experience as a bilingual school.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

6th year B (6ºB) Science

People joining hands around the world

We are developing an environmental campaign. We divided ourselves into groups of 5 or 6.

woman covering a factory GIF Animation

Each group chose a topic to research.  
chopping down a tree Vector Clipart illustration

The topics we researched were :

             GLOBAL WARMING 

We looked for information related to the causes, consequences and possible solutions for our environmental problem.


The main objective of the campaign must be to raise                          awareness of the problem.

Moving Earth burning on Fire global warming animated gif

 We used the photographs, slogans and information that we found to enrich our campaign and to hopefully convince our classmates of the need to SAVE OUR PLANET


Have a look at this video and see if you agree that we need to SAVE THE WORLD FROM OURSELVES !!

Homeschooling (1st- 4th year)

Have you lost your Homeschooling Sheet ?

Don´t worry, you can still do it . Print it out from here and write in the words you have to pronounce.

Show your mum and dad just how good you are !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

6th Year A (6ºA)

This year we are working on different appealing projects. Students use their originality and motivation to create astonishing posters about topics such as their favourite films, the islands they have visited or some attention-grabbing environmental issues.   
  Now they are preparing a poster in pairs about endangered species and they are really enjoying the project!

We are amazed by the creativity and motivation the students are showing.

We are also working on a science corner where students work in groups to produce their imaginative posters and mind maps.




Here is a video that the students loved. Have a look and see what you think