Thursday, February 27, 2014

2 year olds: Rain, rain, go away!

In infants the daily routine is very important, and so every day we do a class assembly where we say good morning to each other, the day of the week, numbers and the weather. Every day there is a mini-teacher who is in charge of helping the teacher with this task.

For the youngest students it’s still a bit difficult, but we all help each other.

Lately, because it’s been raining so much, we have learnt this song. We love dancing with our umbrellas.


When we’ve finished we like to be artistic.

Finally, because we are tired of it raining so much we sing a rhyme to make it go away, so we can play!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

1st Year B (Primary)- Love Somebody, Yes I Do !

hello para blog, blogger
Don't we all like to know that somebody loves us ??????
Well, the boys and girls of 1B want to tell their families just how much they love them.
So this is how we went about it :
First of all we brainstormed all of the adjectives (describing words) and the verbs (doing words) that they knew.
Then they quickly got into groups and worked together to invent their cinquain (five-line) poems.

There is one for mum.

 Done by Lys, Clara, Carlos and Natalia

One for dad.

 Done by Guillermo, Andrea, Rebeca and Laura

One for grandma.

Done by Patricia, Lucia, Adriana, Manuel and Ramón.

And last but not least, one for grandpa.

Done by Marta, Lucia, Nacho, Inés and Lucas.


          And to finish, here are the children singing a song to show just how much they LOVE you ALL !!


                                                                 Perro gato para blog, blogger

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

4 year olds A: Days of the week

We use colourful, attractive easy to understand flashcards for each day of the week in English. This helps many visual and tactile learners grasp the days of the week, along with letter recognition.  

Sing Me a Song:  The children sing our “days of the week” song daily. In one run-through, this song covers the days twice.  Repetition is the key to any learning as we all know!  The children learn the song after hearing it only a few times.

They have a great time learning and their pronunciation is fantastic !!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

3º Primary A: Down-to-Earth Children


This week, year 3 students have been applying their scientific knowledge in a practical way in Art.

Since they are studying the classification of rocks and minerals and the different Earth’s layers, now they want to show the magnificence and the splendor of our planet in these astounding landscapes.

They have moved heaven and Earth to find different types of spices, rice, lentils and pasta to capture the contrast between layers.

 It seems that they enjoy Science as much as Art!

No doubt, they are the salt of the Earth!